Why Use Petition PA?
You are probably familiar with the very popular Change.org site which allows you to create a petition for almost any purpose. We differ in that we are specific to PA
and more so, we help you communicate with PA state lawmakers on specific bills that you (and your organization) either favor or oppose.
When someone signs your petition, our system looks up their state legislators and sends them an email directly. So, lawmakers across the state are receiving these
emails as people sign your petition.
Additionally, you own the list of signers and can download the Excel file at any time. This lets you go to any specific lawmaker and say "We have x number of signers
in your district and in case your staff did not consolidate them for you, here is the complete list!"
The cost of your custom built petition is just $149.00. This includes setup by one of our developers. And, it will run for up to three months. Additional 3 month blocks are
just $99. To get started, simply Create an Account then add a petition.
This site's primary sponsor is WellCheckNow CheckIn Service for People Living Alone. WellCheck Now
is an automated daily check-in service for seniors who want to maintain an independent lifestyle while giving others peace of mind that all is well